Tianjin Yunkai Resin Technology Co ., Ltd

Contact:Manager Liu



what's app: +86-18512265831


skype: tjyunkai@gmail.com


Address:Tianjin Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China


· Resin Catalyst

Brand Products Type Application Technical indicators
YKCHWD-1 Catalyst Resin Catalysis of esterification, etherification, acylation, alkylation, acetal, ketal, hydrolysis, hydration, ring opening and other chemical reactions. Detail
YKCH-1 Acetic acid esterification catalyst A base catalysis for esterrification reaction by acetic acid and alcohols Detail
YKCH-4 Acrylation catalyst Acrylic acid and alcohol esterification reaction as catalyst Detail
YKCH-7 Methylal condensation reaction catalyst Catalyst for the condensation reaction of methanol and formaldehyde Detail
YKCH-11 Biodiesel catalyst Used as a catalyst for preparing biodiesel from palm oil, rapeseed oil, waste edible oil, etc., as well as a catalyst for reducing acid value of various oils Detail
YKCH-14 Olefin etherification catalyst Used as catalyst for etherification organic reaction Detail
YKCH8501 Resin catalyst Esterification (acetates, acrylates, fatty acid esters); Etherification (MTBE, ETBE, TAME); Phenol alkylation; Condensation;Hydrolysis. Equal to Amberlyst 15 Resin catalyst Detail
YKCH8502 Resin catalyst Mainly used as catalyst in esterification, etherification, hydration, alkylation and other organic reactions Detail
YKCH708 Resin catalyst Special catalyst for silicone oil synthesis and organosilicon synthesis Detail
D072H Strongly Acidic Cation Exchange Resins Organic catalysis Detail
D072 Strongly Acidic Cation Exchange Resins Organic catalysis; High flow rate mixed bed water treatment Detail
NKC-9 Strongly Acidic Cation Exchange Resins Organic catalysis Detail
Total1Pages,12 rows
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