Tianjin Yunkai Resin Technology Co ., Ltd

Contact:Manager Liu



what's app: +86-18512265831


skype: tjyunkai@gmail.com


Address:Tianjin Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China


· Chelation Resin

Brand Products Type Application Technical indicators
YKM100 Chelation Resin In addition to mercury (special sulphur 14%, elution rate 100%) Detail
YKM101 Chelation Resin The selective adsorption of two metal ions Detail
YKM102 Chelate Resin Selective adsorption of divalent metal ions Detail
YKM103 Chelation Resin Ionic membrane caustic soda preparation of two salt water, wet metallurgy etc. Detail
YKM104 Chelating resin Extract precious metals such as gold, silver, palladium, platinum, etc Detail
YKM105 Chelating resin Refined salt water, wastewater treatment, and recovery of precious metals Detail
YKM106 Chelating resin Recovery of heavy metals from hydrometallurgy and electroplating wastewater Detail
YKM107 Chelating resin Arsenic removal Detail
YKM108 Chelating resin Boron removal Detail
Total1Pages,9 rows
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