Tianjin Yunkai Resin Technology Co ., Ltd

Contact:Manager Liu



what's app: +86-18512265831


skype: tjyunkai@gmail.com


Address:Tianjin Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China


·Precious metal extraction resin

Brand Products Type Application Technical indicators
YKN100 Precious metal extraction resin Extraction and adsorption separation of nickel ions Detail
YKN200 Precious metal extraction resin Extraction and adsorption separation of vanadium Detail
YKN300 Precious metal extraction resin Extraction and adsorption separation of chromium ion Detail
YKN400 YKM102 Precious metal extraction resin Extraction and adsorption separation of copper ions Detail
YKN500 Precious metal extraction resin Extraction and adsorption separation of zinc ions Detail
YKTG01 Precious metal extraction resin Hydrometallurgy, extracting gold from pulp Equivalent to AM-2B resin; Amberlite IRA-93 Detail
YKTG02 Precious metal extraction resin Selective adsorption of gold under the conditions of high copper, high nickel, high cobalt and high iron Detail
YKTG03 Precious metal extraction resin Adsorption of gold in gold cyanide solution Detail
YKTG03 Precious metal extraction resin Adsorption of gold in gold cyanide solution Detail
YKTG04 Precious metal extraction resin Extraction of gold, silver, tungsten and molybdenum Detail
Total1Pages,10 rows
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